Friday, November 20, 2009

The comments you get

Since I have started showing more, I have been approached by so many people. It's like once your pregnant everyone wants to tell you their pregnancy story or give you parenting advice. Sometimes it is fun, but sometimes you just want to be left alone. A couple of my favorite comments happened this past month. The first was at a wedding in the rest room. This woman probably in her 60's asked me about when I was due and what I was having, when I told her I was having a girl she said "Well if she is anything like her mom, she will be a princess." The second was coming out of the bank and this man probably in his 70's, said "I bet you get stopped for smuggling basketballs all the time." That one made me laugh!
The most awkward comment I got was at Hom Furniture. The sales men there are already pretty aggressive, so I was expecting to have to say "just looking" a few times. But being pregnant it's like a hole other ballgame. I walked in and right away was approached by this sales man and I let him know I didn't need any help, but was just looking for ideas. He continued to follow me through out the store and tell me how I should be proud of myself for not "letting myself go" with the pregnancy, and how his wife lost all her pregnancy weight right away. I was totally grossed out by him and ended up leaving within 5 minutes.


  1. Yea...So happy to see a post on your blog! I know most everyone in your lives are close but we who aren't, LOVE to see an update! I think the comments are for sure weird but I hate it more when people you don't know touch your tummy. I hope you are feeling great! 10 weeks to go!

  2. i'm still giggling...mostly by the comment you made about the Hom furn guy. that is a bit creepy, huh!? well, i want to see pics of your cute self. please post some!! love you!

  3. i LOVE the smuggling basketballs comment. i'm going to use that one!
